The birth, growth and proliferations of innovative solutions needs to have a favorable environment in which innovators can create solutions to address the community’s problems. The performance of this environment varies a lot depending on the absence or presence of the essential functions (or jobs-to be-done) that nurture innovation and entrepreneurship. These jobs require also champions and entrepreneurial public leaders of the organizations to play its roles; and developed and matured support ecosystem and finally, the development of inclusive and sustainable programs to nurture the birth and growth tech based innovative startup entrepreneurs. This training will provide the public officials with contents and strategies requires to provide support service to SMEs and innovators that sinks and affect learner behaviours. 

More specifically learners will:
Assess their public entrepreneurial competencies and identify strength and weaknesses as players in the ecosystem.
Develop personal responsibility for initiating value creating solution for others in and out their organization.
 Practice design driven opportunity identification approach and creating value for others and fostering and cultivating organizational level innovation practices.
Use methods for assessing and testing sustainability and feasibility of the innovative solutions before implementing.
 Set personal and organizational goals for system innovation.
Develop tenacity and commitment to move forward despite challenges, risks and ambiguities.
Develop leadership skills and mobilize resource for implementing innovative solutions.
Select and support effective and efficient innovations internally, with other players and in the ecosystem community.
Assess the current of status of innovation ecosystem and define development strategies future state of the matured ecosystem.
Identify enablers of ecosystem maturity in the local context and development strategies

Target audience:
·       Management and employees in the public sector (political, executives, bureaucracy, Policy Makers).
·       Top Management of Learning institutions (Universities and TVET systems).
·       Corporate leaders – C-Suits levels – Finance institutions, VCs, Angels
·       Entrepreneurs at all phases

Language:  English and Amharic

Delivery method: Online / Classroom

Duration: 6 days.

Course Enrolment Process


Online Registration

Course Enrolment

Course Management
– Reading
– Taking quizzes
– Submitting your assignment

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